Android 9 "Pie" has been released
Google published the latest version of it's mobile operating system. Android 9 Pie has been pushed to the AOSP repository and has already started rolling out to the first phones.
There are a number of security improvements.
- HTTPS is used by default. Apps using old, unencrypted HTTP need to specifically declare the insecure domains.
- DNS over TLS (HTTPS) is supported for queries from the operating system and through an API for apps which perform their own DNS lookups.
- Idle apps can't use the microphone, camera or other sensors anymore.
- StrongBox is available as a keystore type, providing key storage in tamper-resistant hardware.
- Devices can use Wi-Fi Round-Trip-Times (RTT) aka IEEE 802.11mc for indoor positioning.
- This works without connecting to an Wi-Fi access point and without the AP learning the position of the device.