Viewing posts for the category Linux

Das BMI möchte mehr digitale Souveränität durch den Einsatz von Open Soure Software

Das BMI schreibt in einer Pressemitteilung über "kritische Technologieabhängigkeit der Öffentlichen Verwaltung". Dabei wird eine Abhängigkeit von einigen wenigen Software-Anbietern bemängelt, sowie damit verbundene "Risiken für die digitale Souveränität" festgestellt.

Favourites: Gnome Extensions

This is the start of a series of posts about my favourite tools/extensions/tweaks for the software I'm using each day. The lists shall help me to find the tools again when I need them and foster conversations about better solutions.

Workaround for pipenv 2018.7.1 zsh bug

Pipenv is currently not working if your shell is zsh, which is the default on Arch Linux. As a workaround add the following line to your .zshrc:

Steam Play, Valve Proton and Wine - running Windows titles on Linux

Valve has published new beta version of its desktop client for Linux. The most notable improvement is the support of Proton, a Wine distribution with some patches on top. This allows to launch a number of Windows exclusive games to launch under Linux.

GDM crashes after systemd update 239.0 with Nvidia

After upgrading systemd to version 239.0 Gnomes display manager gdm crashes and thus no graphical output is available for everyone using the proprietary Nvidia graphics drivers.